Video paid for by the Committee to Elect Stephen Lange Ranzini, 2015 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
I’m walking, knocking and listening.
While campaigning, I’ve met and talked to thousands of district residents. These are the issues you’ve said you want your next representative to the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners to work on. I’m committed to doing so. I invite District 2 voters to contact me with any questions they may have about my candidacy, and to share their own priorities for the Board of Commissioners and District 2.
District 2 includes Ann Arbor Township, Barton Hills, Northfield Township, Salem Township, Superior Township, Webster Township, parts of Dexter Township and one precinct in the City of Ann Arbor. The District is bordered in the North by Livingston County, and in the east by Wayne County.
Roads: I will work to improve and better maintain Washtenaw County roads. Our citizens, especially those struggling financially, need to be able to get to and from work without damage to their vehicles.
Environment: We must protect our food, land and water resources from the use and spread of dangerous toxins, prevent pollution, and ensure complete cleanups. I will support budget line items to ensure that Washtenaw County government focuses on providing residents clean and safe drinking water.
Education: Childcare, child literacy and programs like Head Start are critical. These county programs must be more robustly funded and expanded in order to provide support, opportunity and equity to all.
County Mental Health Services: Due to the pandemic, more adults in Washtenaw County than ever before report mental health challenges. I’ll work to improve delivery and quality of these important county services. I’ll also work to achieve equity and fairness in budgeting and funding the County’s social safety net services and programs.
Border to Border Trail: We need to expand, better maintain, and add feeder trails to the county’s B2B Trail system. These trails provide excellent quality of life, build up the local economy, and offer safe commuting options.
Law Enforcement & Emergency Service: Maintaining reasonable cost and effective law-enforcement services and 911 emergency public safety services, is critical.
Accountability: Our Washtenaw County Commissioners must hold themselves and county staff providing public services to the highest standards. The county should seek public input and be able to measure outcomes, track successes and engage in continuous improvement to ensure that everything it does is done with quality.