On June 24, I kicked off my campaign officially at Parker Mill County Park. It was a pleasure to meet and spend time with District 2 voters, friends and family. It was a perfect evening for ice cream and, of course, politicking! Elected officials who came out to support my campaign included District 6 Washtenaw County Commissioner Ricky Jefferson, former Michigan Senator Alma Wheeler Smith, as well as Superior Township Trustee Rhonda McGill. Ann Arbor City Council members present and past joined us at Parker Mill park, too. I am thrilled with this opportunity to represent District 2. I’ll continue to attend events as the summer goes on. However, my goal is to meet as many District 2 voters as possible as I knock doors. If you would like to meet before I get to knock doors in your neighborhood, please email me: Stephen@Ranzini.org.
Former Ann Arbor State Representative and Michigan State Sentator Alma Wheeler Smith spoke at my Kickoff. She believes I’m the best candidate to represent District 2 on the Board of Commissioners. Here’s why: